Small Secrets (page 3)




Selfishness and Selflessness are equal to each other and the effect is the same--invisibility.






There is no right or wrong, no fair or unfair, no just or unjust, no deserved or undeserved; only perceptions.





Trying to make others the same as you so you can feel safe blinds you to the strengths within your differences.






If you're looking at what you've done wrong, spend time looking at what you've done right.






If you know the truth of your fears, if you know the truth of your angers, then you know the truth of what you truly desire.






Take the steps toward what you desire, not what you fear.






If you are acting as you truly desire to act, rather than as you perceive you must act to be in accordance with others, then you are living your essence.






You never encounter the same thing twice; you encounter the illusion of some past event.







Anything that you take from the past that points you at pain is taking you to a place you don't want to go.






Your pain comes in defending against being wrong, and if you aren't wrong to begin with, why must you defend?






Having the realization that you don't know everything leaves you with the understanding that you get to learn everything.






There are times when you must say, "This is not allowed." That becomes an ethical battlefield.






Focus on what brings you joy. Then control yourself long enough to move in that direction.









You achieve pain by making choices out of fear.







The accumulation of material worth for the sake of accumulating material worth is disturbing.







If you have fear and feel agreements changing, then establish new agreements.






To turn an adversary into an ally is simply to look at what both want and be certain both wants are served.






If you can define specifically what failure is, then anything else is success.








Your differences are very often your strengths in relationships.







The consumption of more than one reasonably needs is disturbing.








If in your agreements, if in your confronting another person, that other person totally agrees with you, you have done something wrong.







If you get your own way, watch out!







If you believe you are making a decision out of fear don't make it out of fear. Look for some other way.







You will spin your wheels trying to make another person what you think they should be. You can spend the same amount of energy finding out what they

think they are.






Know that gossip is disturbing to all involved.








When you find yourself in a situation resulting from the ramifications of past events, the longer you hang on to what has happened the longer you hurt yourself.






The purpose of your being in physical form is to intermingle your energies with the energies of others and from that create new things; new emotions, new realities, and new interactions.







If you don't know what pleases others, or they aren't sure what pleases them, ask them what displeases them.







Know that over-indulgence in anything will cause disturbance.








All you truly need from your past is the part that lessens your effort of involvement now and increases your involvement.







When you perceive you have to attack another to have your own way, you create an adversary.







Expectations filled more than once can be perceived as agreements.







There is more than enough for everyone. You cannot lose unless you focus upon the losing. You can win as long as you are focused on the intention and the common place that is between you and another.








Seeing the joy is the greatest amount of control you may place upon yourself.








When you stand on the reactive phases of your laws you stand on very shallow and unstable ground.







You have the ability to create, by your own set of laws, almost any appearance or perception of any event in your entire life.







If you cannot find a thing to love in a fear then you are not ready to face it or the fear is not yours.







Be gentle upon yourself.








The desire to have more than you need, at the expense of one who needs is disturbing.







The place to stand to achieve the greatest pleasure and greatest joy of any given moment is in a place that wants to create and is willing to be involved in creating.







Your physical body can be seen by you as a prison or a palace.








When you try to protect yourself by your decisions you almost always hurt yourself by them.







By ignoring the little voice inside of you you don't take action. If you don't take action you become invisible.







All things have a beginning, middle, and end.








We each are responsible for the understanding of our part within a thing or event. Our resolution starts at the place of individual responsibility.







The estimate you have of yourself is based very closely on what you believe you can and cannot do, and that is all from your past.







If you think you are going to get something you can be appropriate quickly.








Once you have discerned which emotions are yours and which are not, yours is to be responsible to what are yours and not try to be responsible for what is not.







When you defend yourself or your fears, you give outward to others the understanding that you will not change.







Accept that the effort it takes to do something doesn't have to be painful.








The moment you believe that you have to make another wrong is the moment that you engage in an act of conflict rather than confrontation.







When you make an agreement out of fear, you will seek ways to not complete your agreement.







If it looks like it will give you pain you are looking in the wrong direction.







Never ask permission to do something. Always ask for what you want and state your intentions and ask for theirs.







Have allegiance to your intentions.








Seek the differences. They are the strengths.








If you dismiss fear as having no value you haven't found the truth of you.







The more you try to force the laws of your universe on another person, the more you are asking them to control your life.







When you try so hard to be right, you give out to others that you were wrong to begin with.







Attune yourself to the truth of what you are receiving from doing something, not what you think it is taking from you.







When you have a difference with another person and you try to defend it, it means that you are afraid that you are wrong.







You are responsible for your part of a relationship, but you are not responsible for the relationship.







Lessons are those things which lessen the pain and the effort, and then work the next time you encounter the same thing.







If you do not have to be what you are you can be something different.







When you live in fear you limit yourself.








If you confront with expectation or accusation, you confront in a way that constricts love.







It is impossible for you not to be regarded as important if you stop disregarding yourself as important.



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