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  Each of you has an entire repetoire of what you consider to be emotions. In truth, what your emotions do for you is give to you a sense of belonging. They are the example of participation. They are what is left over after participation has been.

On one side, when participation is inappropriate in terms of being a participant with what you actually intend to create, you feel a sense of painful emotions, a lack of joy. On the other, when the actions you have taken have been a participant toward what you chose to create, you gain joy.

Between absolute joy and absolute lack of joy, lives your life. What governs what you take of that is your element of participation. If you participate in ways that, for you are not necessarily impeccable, as if you would try to manipulate or try to get a particular picture in a three dimensional reality, you very often get distracted from that point of participation that can bring you the greatest joy. So we will play a little bit with that.

If you consider when you learn something, you don't learn that particular thing all in itself. You learn it in reference to everything else that you have exampled to yourself throughout your life. It becomes one piece of something much larger your life experiences.

Those life experiences are filtered through what you believe to be reality. Unfortunately, reality does not exist for you. Reality is a simple construct that allows you to go to the next day and allows you to remember yesterday. Reality does not actually function if you are in the now. What functions is exploration.

But these things get remembered inside of you and when it is time to use them the entire emotional meaning comes at you. The entire emotional meaning. Some little thing occurs in your life, you observe it in a particular way, and that observance brings up every time that you have ever felt it and suddenly you find yourself in a sense of rage. A sense of anger that you can't actually understand where it came from. It is completely out of proportion to the reality of your life, you don't know why that is, and you feel out of control.

Or sometimes you won't actually know why, but you are exceedingly happy and you look upon your life and you don't understand why you are so happy. Everything is going bad, but suddenly you are happy. Something has occurred that relates to everything else, through the filter of yourself, you have interpreted it.

I will give you a little hint. Emotion is the result of how you filter things. It is not something that someone else can make you do. It is not something that you are forced into. It is the result of how you filter.

You say, `I love you', as if that is an emotion. In truth, most of the time, the word love is not a noun, it is a verb. It is something you do to someone else. You love them, therefore that should justify whatever else you are going to do. You care for them so you get to have from them.

When you see things through that particular set of filters, you make yourself a victim of that same filter set. You make yourself a victim of that concept that says that person makes me happy, therefore that person makes me sad if they aren't making me happy. That becomes your filter. Very often you do this at a very early age, and that early age sets a construction for yourself. Not a construction of reality, but of belief.

You learn this before you are five years of age and it is forced upon you. Everything that you learned before five years of age, before the pituitary shifts, is pure emotion. Pure emotion, and purely emotional. That is a most wonderous thought, is it not?

You learned to walk because of emotion, not because of the physical reality. That emotion took upon itself certain aspects that you would learn to walk because you feared if you didn't learn to walk, you would lose. A small piece of that lived within it, and you learned how to interpret physical reality into a fear and the fear into an emotion.

You didn't see it as a fear, it only became a fear after the shift. And that turns this set of events into something that is very powerful in your life.

Question: The emotion you learn by, is that learned by emotions outside of you for the child under five years of age?

You only learn by emotions outside of you. Nothing you took in was yours. Nothing. In truth, you were a victim of every emotion of everyone around you. Now, what does that mean that you are a victim?

If you are a victim, you have a concept that you can't change it, you can't get away from it, you can't escape it, you can't do anything about it. That is what being a victim is. And in truth, the child before five years of age, couldn't do anything about it. It could not escape it because it knew not where to go, and even if it did it couldn't have survived. It cannot escape it because it had no understanding of what to shut out and what to keep. It could not get away from it in any way so it had to take it in.

But after that point, if you continue being the victim of those emotions, when you have the ability to discern the difference between yourself and someone else, if you continued on that path, that became even more victimizing but it was because of you, not anything else.

It is a most wonderous thought, is it not, that after the age of five, you as a physical human being have the capacity to not be a victim of your parents emotion, of your school, of your friends, of anything but to be a participant.

But in your society you are not taught to do that. You're taught to go from one kind of victim to a different kind of victim. One that says if you don't, you will lose. If you don't you will do it wrong. If you don't do it this way, then this will happen to you. You then became a victim of cause and effect. Not because you were actually a victim, but because you didn't know any different.

You learned how to interpret emotion into fear and how to interpret fear into emotions. So then you turned into some one who was capable of taking information that was not intrinsically a physically damaging or threatening environment, and interpreted a threat from it.

In truth, what do you have that are actual physical threats to you today? As you, the adult, what is actually a physical threat? Cars? Driving? So what do you do? Be careful, or don't drive at all. What would happen if you didn't drive? You are afraid if you don't drive from place to place, you will somehow lose. It doesn't easily occur to you to find some place to live where you don't have to drive, where you could get around without having to drive. Again, you interpret it.

What else? You feel you may lose your job. While there is a necessity for you to participate within your job, it isn't the job that is going to hurt you if you don't do it. What is going to hurt you is not having the income and that isn't actually going to hurt you until you begin to get hungry. But you interpret it.

So you go to work each day with the thought process and an emotion of fear. An emotional fear. Not an actual physical threat fear, but an emotional fear, a projection of fear. And it freezes you sometimes. It takes you to the place where you can't actually participate in it. By interpreting fear into your emotions, you learned how to lock onto those and start making, as a basis of some of your emotional realities, an intrinsic physical fear that ties things together from that fear point. It also means that when you experience something that reminds you of this it is going to remind you of the fear also.

When it reminds you of the fear, you are going to become reactive towards whatever that fear says to be. It is going to be an emotional reaction. You will react to an emotional fear exactly the same as you would react to a physical fear, with the same speed of protection, with the same irrational understanding. You will seek fight or flight from an emotional fear, because your unconscious mind doesn't know the difference.

This part of you that generates the emotions of you lives so deeply ingrained inside of you, at such a low level of your self awareness, that you can't touch it easily, and when you do you shy away from it very fast.

Audience: I'm thinking about my own life as a small boy before the age of five that interpreted myself being abandoned. Is it because it was before five years that its so difficult to escape from?

Yes. But the form you can use to escape from it is a creative accusation that everything in the past is a lie for now. Everything. Every emotion that you learned was only so you could learn a different emotion later, not because it was the truth but because it gave you just enough truth to make you search for your own. Not because it was reality, but because it was just close enough to an acceptable reality that it caused you to look for your own. If you didn't look you would accept it as absolute. And a part of you and your society taught you not to look before puberty.

Audience: The objective overall is to get joy, your Soul seeks joy?

Or at least the lack of un-creativeness

Audience: The body is kind of a vehicle for achieving that. The body seems to be clouded by fears or other distortions.


Audience: By removing these distortions somehow you can achieve greater joy.


Audience: Did you say that society keeps us from looking?

It actually convinces you that you can't. In order to place a cohesiveness there are many things that seek to control those that would not control themself. If you are willing to control yourself, then you are never controlled from some external source. But all of you at some point in your life when someone in the form of authority felt it was necessary to control you, to change you, to force you into a pathway of acceptability from their viewpoint.

That directness wasn't necessarily appropriate. It would have been appropriate if it it had been done at before the pituitary change, but after is your exploration place. That is where you form an identity of self, where you know yourself to be different from every other person. This is pituitary point.

Audience: What are you saying about controlling the child who won't control itself before and after the age of five?

That you teach the child during this stage appropriate control of self. One of the ways is to encourage the child's success element of its own choice. What that means is each time you see the child doing something that is both exploratory for itself and in cooperation with the whole of things, you will make a large thing out of it. And each time you see the child aimed at a potential flaw somewhere in the future, you help the child to experience that flaw now as a sense of itself, where the failure point is small enough and you don't judge the failure point as anything more than exploration.

The other part is if you don't know, then all you can do is refrain from trying to bend the child into something you can understand.

Audience: So by age five we're programed and prevented from identifying our own true identity?

Yes. You were indoctrinated, you might call it, to three dimensional, five senses, societal projections of what reality is.

Audience: So is this crossover place where some part of our exploration gets shut down? And our emotions get shut down as well?

It isn't so much that your emotions get shut down, but you learn to fear the outcome of your emotions.

Audience: I have a six year old niece. She seems very hesitant, like she doesn't want to make a mistake.

Yes. The child is making an inappropriate comparison of itself to an adult. A very good way to change that behavior is to deliberately make some mistakes. Don't deliberately do it right to show her how. Do it somewhat less than right, so that she has the ability to recognize that mistakes are a natural part of learning, that appropriate behavior is what is more important participation for the purpose and intention. And that the only thing that you as human beings can do is have a relative prediction of the outcome of your actions. Cause and effect is not absolute. Particularly someone else's cause and someone else's effect isn't absolute for your life. If it is you aren't living your life, you are living someone else's.

Audience: Is there any way of making an interuption between one and five?

Yes. If it is interupted you bring with you little pieces of the past. Little pieces of other times that you have lived, not whole lives, just little coping mechanisms. The Soul looks upon it and says in the swirling mist of energies that will be representative of this particular body's awareness point, these things may be necessary as tools. These creations might be necessary.

So it builds them into you as an artificial form that stays simply there, almost a genetic remembrance for your body. Should this get interupted, that takes over, what ever it is. It is very valid.

Audience: What about people who have experienced emotionally violent behavior and lack of nurturing from parents?

They have used some skills in ***here*** to be able to cope with it and they carry into ***this point*** that this is normal behavior.

Audience: And will they pass that on?

They will if something doesn't come along and teach them a different normal behavior.

Audience: That seems difficult.

What isn't difficult is to change the behavior. What is difficult is to change the driving force of the frustration and rage that was also learned along with it. The emotion that goes with it is that frustration and rage for some absolute that can't be achieved. So that is carried, and until that is dealt with in some way, that person may not be able to function without that rage coming loose.

Audience: Is a person who is treated unpredictably act unpredictably as well?

Yes, and more importantly, that is a strength.

Audience: Why?

If you as someone that might be beat upon, if you act in a significantly predictable manner and it always results in you getting beat upon, then it is a very bad idea to be predictable. If instead, you learn how to dodge to the right instead of the left as that unpredictable it becomes a survival tactic.

Audience: But as you go further along, it won't be beneficial to you to continue dodging...

It can be. The same skill can be turned into creative thinking, where you aren't forced into absolute answers, you have the ability to grasp a large amount of information and asimilate it into some connective linkage, that others may not see. That is a skill, is it not?

Audience: In a close relationship it could be confusing to the other predictable type person.

Or, it could be very passionate to them, if you have the right kind of unpredictableness. What would happen if you never touched your lover twice in the same way? That might be a very nice unpredictableness. What would happen if you were constantly exploring different ways of doing things? Not searching for the best one, but for excitement in everything you do? Wouldn't that add to your relationship?

If it were used in that way, then it could be helpful. But to get to the place where you could use what you learned in that way, you must first get to the place that says all right, in that environment it was normal that unpredictability turned to violence. In this environment it is normal that unpredictable turns to discovery.

The only thing your frustration says is stop doing it that way, doing it any other way but that way might be a pathway out of that. What you might say is you are ending up with a person like that where what is happening is that they are actually predictable in their own unpredictability. They are predictable retreating whenever they preceive their is a challenge. So changing it. We haven't gotten to that part yet.

*****These two stages are not at all within your control. They are within your exploration in ***this area***. But then a very funny thing happens to you. There is another crossing over*****. This crossing over takes ***this*** emotion that you had here and integrates it here***at a very unconscious level in exactly the pattern it is. It is not reversed anymore.

Here it seems real...the rage you felt from outside of you ***here, brought into you, lives ***here as part of you and you don't know the difference. But everything that you learned ***here*** in terms of physical realities and emotional realities gets flipped ***here***. Your entire sense of identity of self ***here*** gets flipped over when you reach puberty.

You have a group of chemicals raging throughout your physical body. Part of them are used for thought processes for your physical body. Synaptic responses between the dendrite pairs and the axions within your physical brain, simply that. It charges them up,!

it discharges them and it makes connective linkages in ways that are very hard for you to even grasp let alone imagine. They are very complex linkages and there is nothing you can do.

For females, there is one set of chemicals that takes you through the first part of the month with the thought of "I", as a separate individual from everyone else around you. Then sometime approximately the middle of your cycle, it starts being a little more "we". When you get near the end of your cycle, you have this almost over powering feeling that everything is a "we" and you can't understand why someone else doesn't see it that way.

Then another chemical comes along, surges through your body, purges out eggs that don't belong, sloughs off cells that you no longer wish to have, and gets you ready for the next month. When that happens you go back to the "I" almost overnight. That "I" thought coming at you that quickly, seems almost as if you are alone. And what do you do?

You accuse the close persons to you that they have abondoned you or deserted you and they have been doing exactly what they always were doing. Emotions caused by your physical body, triggered by your physical body.

The next part is that males don't escape this either. It is a little different for you. You have a little period during the time that is a "we" time, but you also have this "we" feeling when you lose yourself into the physical sexual activities and the same chemical that causes the "we" in the female gets generated to your physical brain. And just after you have ejaculated in the form of sexual intercourse, you get a little quiet because you feel the "we" part.

You as females, wonder why they are so quiet. They are quiet because they are joined with you, they are quiet because they can't see themselves as separate from you. It is just as powerful.

Each of you, as human beings, tries very hard to fulfill that "we" part. You as females are driven by that chemical to make certain that you find a mate during that "we" part. Being alone during that period of time seems somehow wrong for you.

You, as males, are driven to find that we part as much as you can possibly find it. And it only ensures the physical continuance. It also insures another thing. It insures that sometime during a period of your life, you will know that you are not separate from humanity. You will know that you are not alone. You will know that you are part of something very much larger and that your physical existence is not all there is. And that is a very important part in order for you to be able to have continuance. It gives you hope.

So you might say that your sexual, physical activities are a way to instill emotion hope. They also are a vacation from daily stress. They are also a vacation from the projection that nothing is worth having. And that is a most useful thing.

But these are chemicals that rage up and they intensify the connections in ***here***. What ever group, orders and dependencies you have established for yourself *here* get intensified at that time. It is during **this period of time** that you form a little part of your mind that you will know as your libido. And that is a very powerful, emotional, driving force...your libido.

You think of it very often as simply a sexual ordered thing. It is not. It is a connective linkage where your dream state goes into it and shuffles out your day's events in a way that is cognative and cohesive to your past. It is how you form your hunting skills and that all truly is all conscious mind is, a hunting skill, and a defensive skill.

Emotions do not come from the conscious mind. They come from a very unconscious part in **here** and most wonderously so does conscious mind. Conscious mind comes from the same place emotions do, just backwards.

***This part*** of you then, those little dendrites and axions that form your physical brain have a remembrance point from all of your past, this time around. And they have a small remembrance point from some of your past, last time around.

**This is conscious thought awarenesses. ***This is unconscious mind. **This is very unconscious mind. Very unconscious mind deals with your physical body and with that nebulous thing that is your Soul. Very unconscious mind is a direct link to your libido. A direct link to your libido.

In terms of physical organs, **this is your hippocampic region and it is a small place within your physical brain that you would know to be the thalomic region of your brain. That is what **this**is physically. If you damage that, you won't be able to remember yesterday with any degree of importance. If you damage that, you will not have a sense of self. In truth, if you damage that, more than likely your physical body won't function for very long afterwards.

It is hidden beneath layer after layer of softer tissue, encased in something that is extremely hard or about as hard as you can have it, and it is placed as far away from the ground as possible so it doesn't bump into things.

Unfortunately, that hasn't prevented you from finding out creative ways to bump it into things. But it is also placed up there so that it remains in a relatively constant temperature, so that it is fed in a controlled way, so that it is taken care of in a controlled way and that becomes the seat of your consciousness.

Audience: Who designed it?

A committee. One part of it, the dendrite pair was designed by one level of the Christus. And another place within the Christus level designed the axion portion, and the two of them decided, "Oh! Isn't this nice! We fit together. One feeds the other. The waste of the axion is food for the dendrite, everyone is happy. So they joined.

And in that they said, "Alright, lets find out how many kinds of different joinings we can get." So that is what happened. The cells of your physical body were designed by a different entity within the Christus level. And bringing of it all together was by committee as well. What you might say is at another level, just above the Christus, the creative aspect of putting it all together happened. So you end up being what you are, in a physical form.

But that does not by any means limit what you are as human beings. Your physical body is a platform of observer. It is uniquely situated to blind you to things outside of the three dimensional realm, so that you can explore your own ability to create.

In exploring that ability to create, you need a sense of separateness. That is why it is good you have periods where you are simply "I". If you lived in a state of "we" all the time, as some of you believe that you should, you would bounce around and be such a nice person that you would never actually accomplish anything for yourself.

You would be so giving to everyone else, trying to prove that you justified yourself for being there, that you would forget to take. And it is important.

Audience: Why is it that so many of the esoteric religions have as a philosophy this body and this mind is a contraction of reality?

Partly because you as three dimensional, five senses beings need to perceive an escape route. It doesn't occur to you that what you have is something you should never want to escape. It doesn't occur to you that that limitation is both a joyous participatory point for your Soul and a connective linkage to every other thing that lives. That doesn't occur to you easily. So the concept to give up the ego occurs. If you give up the ego then you give up that one mindedness that you learned way back **here** and you give up the single mindedness that you thought you had to use **there** and you start participating with the group mindedness that doesn't need a particular sense of identity to have a creative participation. That is the thought.

Unfortunately, what it does is has to utilize `you did it wrong' in order to get you to give it up. Which means that you have to throw away the ego, which is a very important part of you as human beings, if you are going to be creative. It is where your sense of self comes from. You have to throw away the libido as if it is something dangerous to your very existence. You have to throw away any sense of participation, because that would be by all means something you should forbid yourself. You have to leave no tracks. The reality of it is, if you manage to exist with leaving no tracks, you haven't allowed yourself to be affected by life. And that means you can't have the joy. If you have one moment of joy in your life, you have left a track. Someone will remember that moment. If you have one moment of participation in a joyous way in life, you will be remembered.

What was taught is trying to get away from that self-serving ego. The one that says `I count', you don't and I can do whatever I choose to you because that is the kind of animal I am. So, it was taught. It also happens to be that for the majority of you it isn't necessarily a bad way to teach you so that you won't learn a different way. And it takes you to a place where you become a master and then you take the next step.

The next step after being that master is not needing to know you are the master. And the next step after that is not knowing you are the master and not even caring whether you are or not, but just accepting that you are what you are.

That is a very difficult place to have because in your society what happens? What do you know happens if you somehow say this is what I am, I don't apologize for it, I change it when it is appropriate for me to change, and I leave it alone when I like it. What happens?

That is a very dangerous person. In your society that is such a dangerous person and would you like to know why? Not only that you can't control that person, but every other person who needs to have an example of how to live their life is going to look at them and say I have to follow you. I have to follow you.

What happens if you come up to someone who doesn't apologize for what they are and does not make excuses for what they are? If they are thriving in their life and they are participating and they are taking from every moment of their existence the greatest joy possible, you are going to feel a backlash of this aura of them, of the energies as they expand outward, you are going to feel their emotion exuded outward almost as if it is a wall. And if you are relatively common within your society, you are going to be swept along behind in the currents of that one's successes.

You are going to seek after those. You are going to try to copy that person even though you can't. You are going to seek that person out, call that person a master and try to learn their secrets and they can't teach them to you because they are their secrets and they only work for one person, that person. They can teach you how to break yours, but they can't teach you yours.

Audience: Is it part of the objective of the teachings to ????

No, but I will give you a similar thing. The purpose of the teaching is so that you may understand what holds you back from being the master that you are, only that. So that you may see that there are some very good and proper reasons why it happens in your society and why you are held by it. And so that you may see some very appropriate ways to escape if you choose to escape. To develope a sense of you that is you, that does not apologize.

end tape 1 side 1





  You essentially do three things in your life. Just Three. Everything else you do supports those three things. But you do them in an infinite variety of patterns.

1. You make the choice to make no choice and let someone else choose for you.

2. You make the choice deliberately or..

3. You make the choice because you fear.

Sometimes your choices are destructive and sometimes helpful. The greatest participation you can have is the choice that you make. The least participation you can have is the choice that someone makes for you. And the worst participation you can have is the choice of fear.

Your entire life is structured around doing those three things, making those three kinds of choices. Nothing else matters to you. No wealth, no goal, no lover, no home, no child, no future, no past. Nothing else matters except those three type of choices.

They drive every one of your creative moments. They are part of the Soul's choice and part of the body's. They underlie you and you cannot do anything else. You eat so you can make those three choices. You procreate so you can make those three choices and provide a foundation where those choices are possible. They are your creative force and you use them, sometimes for joy. And when it doesn't feel joyful or pleasant, it is driven by non-participation of some sort. Either non-participation with your own life or non-participation with life in general. Your participation means you get the joy. It doesn't mean it's always joyful for you, it does mean that there is always an opportunity for joy if you take it.



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